Infinity LPMud: Top Players List
The Top Player's List is a chart of the progress of players on Infinity. In order to be on the List, you must have logged into Infinity within the past week. The List combines your experience points, your level, and how many Wizard quests you have done, and ranks the players accordingly. It's updated every six hours.
* * * T o p P l a y e r s o f I N F I N I T Y * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 Usagi 19 Remy 19 Siker 17 Vector 19 Chameleon 19 Rebel 19 Killme 15 Wishsong 16 Ulysses 5 Dragonwolf 5 Angel 5 Curnan 5 Lordwilliam 5 Jemma 5 Hoss 5 Juleswho 4 Yaz 3 Ashura 1 Astinus 1 Hollem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 14 06:00:01 MDT 2025 Total players: 1105 Active players: 53