Infinity LPMud: Infinity Lore

Infinity has been on the Internet since early 1992, and has a rich history available for people to read about. Among other things, you may read a short history of Infinity, or delve into the original theme story written by Mutara to explain why Infinity came to be. Keep in mind that the theme story contains a lot of elements that haven't been seen in Infinity yet, so you're getting a look behind the Arch Curtain, so to speak.

In addition to this, we also provide back issues of the Infi-News, Infinity's newspaper, also written by Mutara. This serves as an informal way for the Administration to inform players about some game changes, newsworthy experiences by players, and a bit of humor to brighten up peoples' days. The Infi-News hasn't been in production for almost a year now, but it's expected to start up soon.

On top of all of this, we also provide the listing of the Top Ten List from the Syracuse University Infinity t-shirt, created by Bill, Ravage, and Xanadu.

Amon, one of the ArchWizards of Infinity, has been good enough to write Zen and the Art of Quest Cheating, an interesting treatise on how best to quest cheat on Infinity, and how best to get caught. This document is temporarily off-line.

As for a few non-Infinity (yet still MUD-related and humorous) links: